Qandusi Currents

The educational and publishing platform of Abdul Aziz Suraqah. Inspired by the life and works of Shaykh Muhammad al-Qandusi (d. 1861), Qandusi Currents provides vital services in Islamic education, translation, publishing, and mentorship.

Navigating the Eschaton. Connecting the branch to the Root.

Subscribe to the Full Qandusi Program

Go beyond ‘feel good’ Islamic education to actionable knowledge and true self-development


Islam is not just about ideas.

It’s not just about deeds.

It’s not just about spiritual things, either.

Islam is about conviction, action, and spiritual development, combined.

Islam, according to the famous hadith of the Archangel Gabriel, is combining these three to properly orient our lives in the Eschaton—the End Times.

Islam is being whole through the ethos of knowing Allah, worshiping Allah, and drawing near to Allah through the example of the best of creation, the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) who “was sent near the Final Hour.”


Qandusi: ascription to Shaykh Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Qandusi (d. 1861 CE).

Currents: kûr′ษ™nts—

A: The part of a fluid body moving continuously in a certain direction.

B: The swiftest part of a stream.

C: A flow marked by force or strength

Qandusi Currents is an educational and publishing platform inspired by the life and works of Shaykh Muhammad al-Qandusi.

Like strong currents of a vast river, Qandusi Currents provides educational and self-development content that moves action-oriented seekers through the eschaton (the current age of mass confusion and degeneration), upon the firm basis of the Four Elements of Islam conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) in the famous hadith of the Archangel Gabriel:

ISLAM (SUBMISSION)—law; structure; relationships. The physical. 

IMAN (FAITH)—conviction; principles; discernment. The intellectual.

IHSAN (BEAUTY)—congruence; connection; the inner life. The spiritual

ESCHATON (END TIMES)—preparation; orientation; discretion. The navigational.

How do we learn deep Islamic knowledge and apply it to our bodies, minds, and souls to respond to the degeneration and rapidly eroding modern world?

By connecting our core Islamic learning and practice—in Islam, Iman, and Ihsan—to the fourth pillar mentioned in the hadith of Gabriel:

Knowledge of the End Times and how to live through them.

  • From fragmentation to unity
  • From the dysfunctional status-quo to functional living
  • Applying Prophetic guidance to ‘riding the tiger’ of modernity
  • Systematizing, preserving, and transmitting a truly Islamic model for living in the age of decay

The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“This knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy ones of every generation. They will expel from it the alterations made by those going beyond bounds, the false claims of the liars, and the false interpretations of the ignorant ones.” (Imam al-Bayhaqi, al-Sunan al-Kubra 10:209)

[may Allah make us among them!]


The Three Pillars of Qandusi Currents  


Embracing the Broad Islamic Tradition

Upholding broad Sunni orthodoxy with focus on mastery of the foundations of creed, law, spirituality, and eschatology to apply in the world.

Cultivating Love and Connection

Cultivating deep love for and focus on the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)—his person, his way, and his reality. Correct Prophetology.

Navigating the Eschaton

Connecting deep learning to our intellectual, physical, spiritual, and material development to Navigate the Eschaton.

Purchase Individual Courses

Shama'il Commentary

A complete 40+ hour commentary on the Shama'il of Imam al-Tirmidhi covering the physical and moral qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).

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The Sanusi Creed Intensive

A complete 40+ hour detailed explanation of Imam al-Sanusi's famous foundational work on Islamic creed based on Imam Muhammad al-Dasuqi's Hashiya (gloss). Taking students from beginner to intermediate level theology.


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The Book of Assistance

A detailed 40+ hour commentary on the famous work of Imam ‘Abdullah b. ‘Alawi al-Haddad The Book of Assistance covering everything a Muslim needs in the path to the Hereafter.

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Sending Prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad

An eight hour course explaining the detailed meanings, rulings, and benefits of 'Sending prayers upon the Prophet' (Allah bless him and give him peace)

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The Beginning of the Quest

A complete six part commentary on the classical work Bidayat al-Sul of Imam al-'Izz b. 'Abd al-Salam on the unique qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)

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'Connecting the branch to the Root'

Actionable and transformative knowledge of Islamic theology, law, and spirituality applied to Navigating the Eschaton (end of time) and connecting the branch (our inner and outer life) to the Rootthe sanctified person and example of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)

Forthcoming Courses

The following courses will be offered in the near future and made available as stand alone courses and included in the full monthly subscription.

Voyaging in the Eschaton

As a practical follow up from my publicly available course Navigating the Eschaton, this course, using Imam al-Barzanji's text al-Isha'a as its basis, takes a deeper dive into the prophetic narrations concerning the End of Time and we explore the practical steps we must take to take to build ourselves up spiritually, physically, and mentally for not only surviving this challenging age but thriving despite it.

The Najdi Dialogues

As a methodical and reasoned discussion on the definition of worship ('ibada) and the Najdi movement's erroneous understanding on the issue, this detailed course grounds students in the sound Islamic principles that provide clarity and inspire confidence in the Sunni tradition.

Prophetology 101

A detailed class covering the foundational beliefs concerning the Prophets and Messengers—the nature of prophethood; the meanings of 'Prophet' and 'Messenger'; what is necessary, possible, and impossible with respect to the Prophets; understanding the verses and hadith that appear to ascribe sins to the Prophets.

Prophetology 102

A detailed class covering the finer points of Prophetology—interrogating contemporary errors in speaking about the Prophets; exploring the hierarchies of the Prophets.

The Nasafi Creed

A detailed study of the creedal text of the Maturidi theologian Imam Najm al-Din al-Nasafi (d. 537 AH) with a focus on the epistemological and metaphysical discussions in the beginning of his text, using the celebrated commentary of Imam Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani and the famous glosses penned by Shaykhs Ramadan Effendi, al-Kashtali, and al-Khayali.

Commentary on Imam al-Nawawi's 40 Hadith

A detailed study of Imam al-Nawawi's famous compilation of 41 pivotal hadith traditions that outline the essence of Islam, drawing from the classical commentaries.

Commentary on the Prophetic Names

A reading and study of Tadkhira al-Muhibbin (An Admonition to the Lovers), a commentary on 100s of Prophetic names and descriptions and how they are inculcated as one's character, by the great Tunisian polymath Shaykh Muhammad b. Qasim al-Rassa' (d. 894 AH).

Prophetic Knowledge

A comparative reading of Shaykh Muhammad b. Ja'far al-Kattani's Jala' al-Qulub and Shaykh Ahmad Rida Khan's al-Dawlat al-Makkiyya, exploring the depth and scope of prophetic knowledge.

Connect the branch to the root.

Beyond generic 'reminders' and feel-good 'edutainment' is firmly rooted Islamic development for the body, mind, and soul to navigate the eschaton.

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